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NFC Tags

What it is: NFC tag (NTAG 213)

What it’s made from: Adhesive paper and chip 213

How to use it: The tags are glued on the inner side of the front flap of the units. These tags hold 137 bytes of writeable information and are perfect for regular NFC use. You program the URL to your website or app into the tag so that when the NFC compatible phone touches the tag, it automatically navigates to your desired content. See how to program the NFC tags here

What it’s good for: It’s great for getting the users to view your content without any fiddling around or confusion. Anyone with a NFC enabled phone that the user may share the viewer with automatically navigates to your chosen content as well.

Models that it works with: All Maxbox VR® viewers.

Note: The phone will also need NFC functionality. Check your device to make sure the NFC capability is allowed