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With the recent global health related issues that have been developed, we think it’s a good idea to give you some information related to Corona Virus and our VR headsets.

Our factory has been subject of private and public inspections to ensure the safety of the workers, the products and every person or object related to the manufacture and distribution. We are proud and glad to let our clients know that all inspections have been approved, our products are safe to be manufactured and distributed, and all the workers and management at the factory have been tested negative for Corona Virus.

Since the outbreak of the virus we have been able to produce and deliver over 30 different orders for different quantities.

Just in case, we still think it’s a good idea to share with you some tips on how to keep your custom branded VR headset clean and safe to use again.

1) Wash your hands well for at least 20 seconds with water and soap before and after using your VR headset and mobile device. If you don’t have access to water and soap you can use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.
2) Avoid touching your eyes, mouth or nose before washing your hands thoroughly.
3) Before and after using your VR headset make sure to clean it thoroughly. You can do so with any disinfectant spray, simply spray a paper towel and use it to wipe the viewer on the sides, front, top, back, bottom and nose and forehead parts of the viewer (avoid wiping the lenses, as this may cause bluriness).
4) After wiping with disinfectant, if you feel the unit is a bit moist you can dry it with a clean paper towel to prolong the life span of the viewer and avoid the material from absorbing the liquid.

As explained by the World Health Organization it is safe to receive packages from China, if you receive a package from China you are safe from contracting Corona Virus, as it can’t survive long on objects such as packages or letters.

Please keep in mind we are not giving any medical recommendations, and we’re not qualified to make any diagnostics. If you have any doubts about Corona Virus, please make sure to check with your doctor.

Custom branded VR cardboard creation company.

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